
Eyes & you!!

The second I close my eyes,
is a view that gives me chills,
goosebumps on my skin,
a gentle smile on my face,
a dream in my subconscious.
I see you, and me too,
together, under a purple sky,
the time before sunset,
where the two horizons meet,
is a beautiful sight to see.
But your gaze on me,
speaks something else.
Of love, for eternity,
your eyes speak so well.
To assure me we\'ll always be,
like this side by side,
holding hands, sharing smiles.
With no words we talk,
till the sky is all black,
as the dawn approaches,
eyes are awake when,
I bid you sayonara,
I\'ll see you, again,
same time, same place,
only when I close my eyes.