The scars given by my beloved 

is so sweet 

the poison is running through my blood

which is cutting me from bone to the skin~



I happily drank it as wine

even though i knew it would gradually kill me

but it was sweetest drink ever

it became even more sweetest when he gave the wine from his hand~



I got obsessed with the wine

it became a daily routine of my life

when i saw reflection of myself 

i smiled as blockhead~



The reflection of myself asked me 

are you blind ? 

can\'t you see he doesn\'t love you

what\'s the fun is in dinking poison ?~




i replied 

yeah i\'m blind into him

i know he doesn\'t love me but i have given my heart and soul to him 

the fun is it doesn\'t feel to be poison~



This poison is like his first kiss

whenever he gave me the wine

it feels like he\'s hugging me

when i take it , it feels like he\'s biting my lip~



The last wine was even the most sweetest one ever

it made me feel like i\'m collide with him

i was afraid of the new morning to lose him

so i tightly hug him and closed my eyes for good night~