Reynaldo Casison

Nightingale moon and Ballerina gypsy

Nightingale moon,

Your Ballerina gypsy,

Is so silly and pretty,

She dances and hymns,

In the kissing rain,

That pours like her fine wine,

Through her mellow,

and golden tresses,

She sways sensuous and nice,

Like Riviera waves,

with their Midnight serenades,

Her hips sigh with every rhythm,

Candle and moonlit,

How can a Soul be as wet,

and warm,


As an evening Summer lake,

Dressed with lillies,

sunflowers, and irises,

Nightingale moon,

Your Ballerina gypsy,

Is like the Rain,

for your midnight gardens,

And its still and swaying flowers,

She is so silly and pretty,

Her Beautys accents unique splendors,

In any dress or gown,


her Essence remains the same

Reynaldo Casison