
Reading In The Park.

There we were,

My lover and I

Walking around the park,

The park by My River.

A beautiful sunny afternoon,

So many people there

Enjoying this wonderful time.

There were couples walking

Holding each others hands,

As we were.

Children running around

Playing on scooters and bikes.

There was one big party,

Many family members and friends

Sitting round in a circle

Eating, drinking and laughing.

The was another group playing,

Playing rounders.

They were hitting a ball,

And missing the ball,

Running around the posts,

But so full of fun and laughter,

A delight to watch.

But during our walk

I saw something that,

Something that meant so much,

Meant so much to me.

On three separate benches

There sat a lone person,

And those people were reading,

Each reading a book.

This was so inspiring to me

That I felt I had to write,

I had to write these words,

As reading books is special,

So special to me,

And to see these people reading

Was so wonderful.