Dev Parth

Solution Of Everything

Every successful person has painful story. Every painful story has a successful ending. Accept pain and get ready for succes.


Each and every person has to face pain in their life

There is no person on this earth who said that he/she had never suffered pain, never had to face difficulties in his life.

But person who suffers pain and after he/she shines like a star in sky is a true achiever.


No one will manufacture a lock without key

In the Same Day  God  will never give problems 

without solution.


The only problemes in our life is that we only focus on the problems but not on the solution, we have to look out for solutions, not the problems.


If a problem can be solved

No need to worry about it

If problem can\'t be solved 

What is the use of worrying.


You just force On the Solution, not on the problems and one day will surely come when you are going to have fever problem and for every problem you are going to have a solution.

And you are surely going to feel like you have accomplished success .

So keep  Working hard to find Solution

and be a winner.


Try Try but never cry, one day you will fly.