
In every shared moment, we truly heal

In life\'s grand, unfolding play,

We learn to cherish the light of day,

For when we laugh, the world joins in,

A symphony of joy, a collective grin.


Yet in the quiet of the night,

When sorrows grips,

We stand alone, our silent cries,

Beneath the vast, uncaring skies.


\"Keep to yourself,\" the world implores,

\"Your heavy heart and closing doors.\"

For burdens shared are burdens doubled,

And who would want to bear someone else\'s troubles?


But let me offer a gentle plea,

For a world more kind, a world more free,

Where laughter shared is doubled delight,

And a hand is held in the darkest night.


For though it seems we cry alone,

There\'s solace found in a kindly tone,

And hearts that care, though few they be,

Are lights that guide us through a stormy sea.


So share your joy, and yes, your pain,

For every loss there\'s much to gain,

In connections forged, in love that\'s real,

In every shared moment, we truly heal.