First they call you crazy, then call you for favors

In the eyes of others, a rebel I stand,

First they call me crazy, with a mocking hand.

They scorn my dreams and visions, unrefined,

But little do they know, I\'m one of a kind.


But when success and fortune come my way,

And my name is whispered, in a different sway,

They call me for favors, with a humble tone,

And ask for my help, when their own paths are unknown.


Oh, the irony of life, so sweet and so grand,

First they call you crazy, then call you to hand,

But I\'ll not forget, the doubts they once sowed,

And I\'ll choose who to help, with a heart that\'s allowed.


For true strength lies in forgiveness, and in knowing,

When to lend a hand, and when to let go.