Oluwasolape Akode

A Letter To A Past Version of Myself

Dear Oluwasolape,

I now get it. Those moments when it feels like this world is out to get you, when you\'re suffocating in your own thoughts, staring at yourself in the mirror, wishing things were different. But listen up, you\'re stronger than you think!

Your value is not in your appearance or how well you blend in. It is in your kind heart, your brilliant mind, and your relentless spirit, even when everything is bleak.

Being introverted? That is your superpower. Your quiet strength stands out in a world that praises noise over depth.

And when it feels like this world is crushing you, know you are not alone. Lean on those who love you and believe in you. And do not forget to be kind to yourself. You are doing your best, and that is more than enough. You can trust my words, I am seeing it all now.

Well, I will not spoil the surprises that await you in the coming years, but I will leave you with this: trust yourself, believe in yourself, and never lose faith in the incredible potential that resides within you.


With love,

Oluwasolape from the future.