
Tears of Betrayal - A Heart Forever in Pain

Whispers sneak, secrets hide,
A darkness grew deep inside.
His love, once a sunlit way,
Now a hidden path, leading astray.

Deceit hangs like a curtain, truth concealed,
A sinister waltz, a snare that\'s revealed.
Eyes that once sparkled with honesty,
Now hidden in darkness, clinging tightly.

His heart, once a garden where our love flourished,
Now lies barren, nourishing someone else\'s name.
Words that once dripped honey, now cut like ice,
A promise unkept, a love reduced to sacrifice.

The charade continues, a heartless play,
My love was forgotten, a heart betrayed.
He wears a mask of indifference, a smile so wide,
But every secret cuts deep, a wound that won\'t subside.

Tears fall like rain
Mourning, a love that was never meant to stray.
Trust lies shattered, a broken vow,
Whispers of deceit echo, a heart forever in pain.
By: Tina Turner
©Emotional Moonlight Journals - Pages of My Heart 2024