
Remedy For Sleepless Nights



I close my eyes and humbly bow my head, 

Sitting under moon’s light on my empty bed.


Night has served its cup of sleep,

But some nights this cup is hard to grip.


I can hide my feeling from the whole word, even myself.

When before God, I pour out my heart, on this night quarter after twelve. 


Heavy words, on my lips, are like burning coal.

Stinging pain, on my wounded heart, has taken its toll.


I pray for Your Name to be sanctified, cleared of all the blame. 

May you bring Your righteous judgment, serving justice like a burning flame. 


I pray for Your mercy, please forgive my sin.

May Your patience, with me, never wear’s thin. 


I pray for peace, please end every bloody war.

I pray for love, let there hatred be no more. 


I pray for brokenhearted, those sick lying in bed.

I pray for poor and hungry, may they be fed. 


I pray for unbeliever, who’s yet to hear of your Holy Name.

May he open’s his heart, learning of your glorious fame. 


I pray for friends of peace, may they always be blessed. 

And for the dead, may You call their name in Your day of rest. 


I thank You for sending us the greatest teacher the world has ever known. 

Making him our king, sitting him upon Your Kingdom’s throne.


I thank You for every great gift under the sun. 

You even gave Your only begotten for me, yes, that’s what You’ve done! 


I pray for Your Kingdom’s salvation, Your victory is sure to be won. 

I close my prayer with “Amen!” a little after one.