
I\'m A Loser

Can we sometimes feel the pressure from others

When others feel they don\'t need us anymore?

Well I know that people don\'t need me

For I am just a burden to them

Well maybe I can fly a kite

And get the hell out of this city

For people are vicious

Like a flower stuck in traffic...

For what is a flower doing in traffic anyway?

Well my love is a reaching end

No one cares about a shining star

Especially when that shining star is me

How far shall I walk

To get to a dead end?

For seagulls flock to loser\'s hill;

How high is that hill

And can I stay there?

For money is no object

When you have none

And well, what can I say?

I\'m a loser

And I am proud of it

For I am on my own now

Who can hurt me?