Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

The Indian Ideology


stronger than the Quran
deeper than the Bhagavad Gita
powerful than a snake\'s venom.
faster than a lethal weapon.
Its name is Hindutva.
That waged genocide against lesser humans
eliminating every flower moon, unlike the Holocaust
Just like October 7 is not unprecedented,
Every untouchable knows it\'s October 7 in their lives
that eliminated my flower moon in the name of
honor killing by her or his grandparents and aunt.
The Holocaust knows only 6 million flower moons, but
caste-based or untouchability-based genocide against untouchables
claimed tens of millions of untouchables in timeless history.
Tens of millions of flower moons were eliminated for being untouchable
just like Jewish flower moons in the Holocaust, and on October 7
and across the western and eastern spaces, that sloganeering \"gas the Jews\" and \"lynch the untouchables\".
Go vegan! Maha Pundit Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla, poet/vegan