Accidental Poet



Respect is a two-way door

Use it correctly

It’ll come back to you

Respectfully for sure


Be mindful of others

When and when not to speak

Give space to a grieving heart

A hug for eyes that leak


Humor can always wait

For more deserving times

Leave well enough alone

Until more positive signs


The law of averages says

What goes around

Quite naturally

Comes back around


In life

If you wish to be respected

You must also be worthy

For you will be inspected


When you truly respect yourself

It is then you invite from someone else

Show that you have it to give

That its not something to sell


Kindness goes a long way

In caring for each other

We’re all siblings

Of sisters and brothers


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2024


Dedicated to a sister from another mother.