A.D. Small

Her Story

Her Story


Prompt: The Tapestry Of Her Life.


Dedicated to my mother for Mother\'s Day 2024... I love you to the moon and back woman. I would not be who I am without your love and guidance. So thank you so much for being a wonderful mother!


You began to weave the fabric

What feels like a lifetime ago

With every color you pick

The imagery starts to grow


You sew every delicate stitch

With your nimble hands

Your fingers rise with every pitch

Her tapestry expands


You delicately guide the thread

With the purest of hearts

You place a crown of flowers on my head

To show me how love starts


You weave laughter inside the cloth

As well as joy and pain

The light in the attic is off

So we can watch the gentle rain


You paint my eyes brown 

Adding just a pinch of beauty

Memories get thrown around

Inside her tapestry


The one you created long ago

The one that holds her story

Your love starts to show

As you recall every glory


Piece by piece you create me

into this beautiful person I have become

With open eyes I see

That life\'s tapestry has just begun


A.D. Small

May 12, 2024