
Eyes of Joy: A French Family Voyage

In the heart of France, beneath Parisian skies,

Where the Seine whispers secrets of love and life,

We wandered, a trio, bound by unseen ties,

With joy in their eyes, cutting through strife like a knife.


The city\'s lights danced in my daughter\'s gaze,

Reflecting dreams woven in cobblestone streets,

And in my wife\'s laughter, I found a maze

Of love, where every turn and laughter meets.


Strasbourg\'s charm, in its streets and its air,

Brought us closer, under its watchful eye,

In their smiles, a warmth, openly shared,

A family\'s love, under the French sky.


The kindness of strangers, with open hearts,

Embraced us as their own, in every part,

Their acceptance, a canvas of art,

In every \"Bonjour,\" a new start.


Through their eyes, I saw a world anew,

In the kindness of the French, a bond so true,

A journey not just of places, but of hearts that grew,

Together, in love, in a world so vast, so blue.


© Susie Stiles-Wolf