
A World That Was

A World That Was


There was a time once, when it all

    seemed to fit ..

When the machine did what

it was told

   and there was none of this shit ..

Long before

we were programmed and told

   what to do ..

When we all had a conscience

and purpose

when our sky and the seas, were

   still blue ..

Yes, there was a time once, when

everything clicked

long before AI or prefabricated truth

and all of this

   mind numbing, fake news bullshit ..

Yes, there once

was a time, when our seas were

the home to

dolphins, whales and a whole

   heap of fish ..

Not just chemicals, discarded

diapers, plastics

   assorted waste and other such shit ..

There was a time

once when you could walk into

a bar without

fretting, neck one or two and walk

out again without

any fear of getting stabbed, shot

spiked or being

   subjected, to all kinds of other shit ..