
I am sore sure 

Dilly-dally can do anything:


Goes to work, scratches his head-brings out his tools for an hour for so.


Packs up.


Away he goes...


Meets a client 


Chats for an hour


Tries to talk his way out of the job, 

Nice old man;

It\'ll cost him a bob.


Drives half an hour to town


To have a feed and look around 


Visits his favourites 


Likes that a lot...


Greeting familiar faces


Smiling in the crowd-


Makes his day


He has to say...


Of wasting time, he is proud. 


Drives another hour back to the shed:


Loads up for tomorrow (yes he remembered his pen).


Sat back in his favourite chair 


Gives thanks


Has a cry


Knowing tomorrow 




Will have another try.


But the works not over


He does a 2nd shift


It\'s the time of the day


When his focus is in.


The work is play


Dilly-dallys tomorrow\'s 


The bills-they\'ll pay.


 He loves hisvwork


Because he loves you.


Without your help 




Would be in the poo.