
To Dance With Isadora

movie reels and cinema

images of sun through a hanging nail

working hands twinned forth their pinnacle

two ribs of soil more provident than lime


she of  sticks of romanesque physique

bears child of fruit through winds of hail and sum.

the marriage vows of lovers starboard side

water each for cries of sleeping jaws


mother of all knees in a leaning box

more radiant than light from an eastern tree

(should death dare sleep one minute more than me

let shape be coloured cribb of equinox)


too long in a walking thundercloud of Zeus

in hidden verse where hides the son of youth

visions once of love this turning world

too strong the days this fear of sweet rejoice


where shadows light of mass from the jealous eye

let me lend my ear to the old pond as she flows

to dance with Isadora 

through the secrets of a rose;