
That my song

written many years ago

some words age

and have lost echo

but they still sing meanings


I did in solo

and her words speak tomorrow

a million reason to hold on


birds chirping in the woods

saying Freetown is our home

a place our soul grooms


O that my song


Young Odum shall soon be a big tree

and one day, the oppressed shall be free


The four poled temple

heard my heart

saw my hurt

and heard my cry


Passers by saw it strange

as lips move but nothing said

not knowing my hungry soul remains unfed


I shall return under

inviting a choir from all over


when that tree matures

grows hairs and get bald


That my song brought tears

b\'cos Freetown is not Freetown

That my song show\'d me how to fight

for Freetown wants to be Freetown

That my song, spoke many plights

for Freetown serves in royal gowns


Please sing me

sing me that my song

when I get to Freetown