Jaclyn G.

It is me...

As the rain pours from the open sky above the emotions glide down my body with every rain drop. All the feelings come back as flashes of lights playing over and over again. You have made me what you wanted and then dumped me when you were through. I\'ve lost myself and any identity I had is lost with it. You can\'t see the pain that tares me from the inside out. This is what you have done to me. Made me so incapable of loving myself and showed me how worthless I really am. But now that you are done with me, it is me who has to pick up the pieces. It is me who has to figure out who and what I am in this new world. It is me that\'s going to have to prove that my loyalty stayed while you burned every bridge in your path. It is me who will have to show everyone that I was a mere pawn in your game. While you bad mouth me to hell, just so you can look good.