
forbidden fruit

Two maidens fair, in market\'s thrall, did weave and wind,
One with courage clad, the other, doubt entwined.
They stumbled upon a fruit, unknown, unseen,
Its skin a tapestry of hues, a shimmering sheen.

Aroma wafting, like whispers from a fairy\'s breath,
Textures mingling—silk and suede—a secret sheath.
One reached forth, her heart ablaze, her spirit keen,
The other shrank back, her mind a tangled, fearful skein.

\"Behold this orb of opulence, this gem of glee,\"
Said the brave, \"a bite to break the bonds of mundanity.\"
Its allure, a painter\'s palette, a dancer\'s grace,
A symphony of flavors in a single, sacred space.

The timid\'s heart, a fluttering bird, caged but alive,
Yearning for the nectar that the bold did derive.
In the end, their fates entwined, they both partook,
The fruit\'s essence—a forbidden chapter in life\'s book.

With ecstasy\'s embrace, they tasted the unallowed,
Their laughter rang, their spirits soared, unbound, unbowed.
In unity, they found the courage to explore,
The sweet unknown, together, forevermore.