
Our Little Own Heaven

Your beautiful beating core has landed into my lap
I can feel your special aura and your fiery energy of your heart 
My eyes are filled with tears they’re like a running tap
On my lap is changing my loving beat, making mine start

My heart rhythm synchronising with your beautiful beat
My heart is soaking up your beautiful emotion 
With all your beautiful heart drum, I am sweating in the heat 
The full affect is crippling but I love it, your gorgeous motion 

I put my arms around your heart and cradle it, the experience is heartbreaking 
Feeling your love all at once, my eyes are crying for you 
Your soul is so beautiful and you are so breathtaking
Combination our phenomenal love together, instead one core we have now two

Heaven is in our eyes together that we are slowly making it happen 
Together we made our own little secret heaven 
Your brilliant angel voice came out all of sudden 
You declared your love for me, we are in a safe haven