
Your Burning Love

There is a raging, huge fantastical fire in my heart
It’s all because of you, when I see you, the flames get brighter 
Your gorgeous angelic voice is fanning the flames to start
I need your amazing energy and love, I don’t need a lighter 

Your voice is making the fire brighter than ever 
Before you it was a heap of hot ash, I never thought it could start again 
I won’t make that mistake twice, with your beautiful voice it will burn forever 
Only I need you in my burning core, there is no more pain 

You will never leave my heart, feeling your love and your aura throughout my body 
My love will never die. Forever and always I am enchanted by you 
In my life, I never had this kind of love for anybody 
Until now, you have managed to make my burning heart, break in two 

Your love will continue forever. I will always let you in my cardiac system 
Pumping my core and you’re making the flames go out of control 
I can feel your burning flames and I would love to see them 
Your mysterious love is like my pure petrol