
Cartoon Conundrum

In a comic strip, a doodle said,

\"Live life fully, no regret.\"

Readers sighed, \"How deep, how true,

Such wisdom from this sketchy crew.\"


A guy at work, named Bob or Joe,

Said the same, but got no glow.

\"Whatever, dude,\" they\'d roll their eyes,

No sage advice from living guys.


A cat in ink, with sassy wit,

\"Chase your dreams, don\'t ever quit.\"

Applause and cheers, \"That cat\'s so wise!\"

Ignored were all the human cries.


A comic mouse with a tiny hat,

\"Kindness is where true strength\'s at.\"

\"Profound!\" they said, in awe, impressed,

Yet friend\'s kind words left unaddressed.


How odd it is, this strange affair,

We trust the ink but not the air.

A sketch speaks truth, a human lies,

In comic frames, the wisdom flies.


So here\'s a laugh, a jest, a tease,

At irony\'s strange tendencies.

For in the end, it’s clear to see,

Ink wins over humanity.


© Susie Stiles-Wolf