Natalie Heisey

My new empire

In this world where my trust was torn, And every bond seemed to be well worned. I stood amidst the wreckage, strong and tall Rebuilding my empire, rising from a long hard fall.

No more will I let them take what\'s mine, Protecting my sanctuary, drawing the line. For every loss has made me very wise, I guard my personal space, where my living spirit lies.

I stand my ground ,rooted in my own domain A fortress of strength, free from every disdain. Though these scars may linger and show my resilience will still shine & glow. 

I\'ve learned to rebuild, piece by piece, line by line. So ill let them come. but not too close, For I\'ve learned to guard what matters most. In my new empire, I find solace and rest A sanctuary where I am truly blessed.