
Gift Shop Elergy


She builds her world with trinkets

From a shelf of shiny novelties—

Snow globes encase snowflakes

That will never melt, nor touch her skin.


A keychain holds keys

To locks long forgotten,

While fridge magnets cheer

On an empty white canvas.


Wind chimes hang silent

Until a sigh stirs their spines—

The sound not of wind,

But of her breath seeking music.


Mugs with slogans

Brew no wisdom in her tea,

But she sips the warmth,

Pretending it\'s clarity.


Postcards from places

She\'ll never visit,

Stacked on the table

Like a deck of dreams.


Assembling life from shelves,

Pieces that don\'t converse—

Their chatter drowned

By the quiet hum of fluorescent lights.


In the glow of facsimile,

She seeks the authentic

But the scent of lavender soap

Cannot cleanse the air of longing.


She arranges, rearanges; 

Finds no equation for sense—

Only the soft whisper of dust

Settling on souvenir spoons.