Thomas W Case

Damnation Island (Lunatic\'s Ball)

Let\'s all go
to Damnation Island.
Let\'s all go to
the lunatic\'s ball.
We\'ll have
dancing, and the
magic lantern.
The stupefaction
is for us all.

The poor will
be there,
and tired.
The poor will
be there,
dresses in rags.
We\'ll all have fun
on  Damnation Island.
The degradation is
for us all.

The criminals
are on
Damnation Island.
They\'re dancing and
killing at the
lunatic\'s ball.
The criminals love
Damnation Island.
The mortification is
for us all.

If you go to
Damnation Island,
if you dance at
the lunatic\'s ball,
you might stay on
Damnation Island,
there\'s a good chance
you\'ll sell
your soul