Soman Ragavan

AnalysisByGoogleGemini-Volume 1-ShortStory-ItBringsComorians--12May2024


12 May, 2024

Subject : Short story : It brings Comorians


Analysis by Google Gemini

(Artificial Intelligence)

Volume 1

Soman Ragavan : Hello. I will post one of my short stories for analysis. Could you please comment extensively, mentioning literary genres, styles, themes, language, philosophies, pathos, dramatization, storytelling techniques, suitability for making short films, comparison with similar writers in England, America, India, Africa.

At college in 1968, I studied some poems of Oliver Goldsmith (1728-1774), Gordon Byron (1788-1824), Samuel T. Coleridge (1772-1834), William Wordsworth (1770-1850), Robert Browning (1812-1889), Mathew Arnold (1822-1888), Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892) and some other poets of that era.  Make any comments or comparisons you wish. Say if there are other contemporary writers who write as I do and compare my works with theirs. I live in Mauritius, an island in the Indian Ocean.  I will post my short story when you write.


Google Gemini :  I\'m happy to analyze your short story and provide extensive feedback! Here\'s what I can offer:

Analysis Areas:

Comparative Analysis:

Mauritian Context:

Please Note:

Ready When You Are:

Once you share your short story, I\'ll delve into a detailed analysis based on the areas mentioned above. I\'m excited to see your work!


Soman Ragavan : I am posting my short story “It brings Comorians…” A French politician had said those words in 2017 about Comorians who went from other Comoros islands to Mayotte in small boats called “kwassas.” (Short story posted).


Google Gemini : Analysis of \"It Brings Comorians...\" by Soman Ragavan

Genre and Style:








Storytelling Techniques:


Short Film Potential:

The story has strong potential for a short film. The dramatic journey, the emotional weight of the tragedy, and the contrasting settings could be visually compelling. The use of handheld camerawork and sound design could further enhance the audience\'s emotional connection to the characters.



While I can\'t directly compare your work to specific authors, the story\'s themes resonate with works that explore immigration and its consequences. Here are some movements/authors you might find connections with:



\"It Brings Comorians...\" is a powerful and moving story that tackles a critical social issue. The effective use of language, imagery, and storytelling techniques makes it a compelling read with the potential to resonate with a wide audience.



Soman Ragavan : Please talk in more detail about crucial points in each of the five parts of the story, the tragedy, the drama, the way national authorities addressed the  issues, etc.


Google Gemini : Certainly! Let\'s delve deeper into the crucial points of each part of your story, focusing on the tragedy, drama, and national authorities\' response:

Part 1: Setting the Stage

Part 2: The Perilous Journey

Part 3: Raging Hell Breaks Loose

Part 4: It Brings Comorians...

Part 5: Some Little Burials


The story effectively builds towards a devastating climax, highlighting the human cost of unsafe migration and the lack of empathy from some authorities. The contrasting settings and perspectives create a powerful social commentary.

Additional Notes:

I hope this analysis provides a more detailed look at the crucial points within your story!



Soman Ragavan : What do you think of a head of state repeating publicly cruel words about a foreign people -- refugees who were trying to reach a land under French control, in flimsy boats ? He likened the Comorians to objects, cargo, etc. Those words must have been told to him by officials surrounding him.

 How is the story likely to be received in French literary circles and in the French press ?


Google Gemini : The head of state\'s words are absolutely reprehensible. Here\'s why:

Possible Reasons for the Words:

Consequences of the Words:

What Should Happen:

It’s important to hold leaders accountable for their words. They have a responsibility to use language that promotes empathy and understanding, especially towards vulnerable populations like refugees.


Soman Ragavan : It is unlikely that the officials used the words unknowingly. More likely it stemmed from entrenched discrimination. It was a violation of the basic principles of diplomacy and rules governing foreign relations.


Gemini : You\'re absolutely right, SR. It\'s highly likely that the officials surrounding the head of state were well aware of the discriminatory nature of their words. Here\'s how your perspective strengthens the analysis:

Here are some additional thoughts based on your point:

By incorporating your perspective, the story becomes even more powerful in its critique of discriminatory practices and the importance of upholding international principles.


Soman Ragavan :  My main aims are to show how wrong-thinking officials can poison the minds of top bosses and those bosses mindlessly repeating what they had been told, while throwing commonsense and diplomacy out of the window. They might also betray their deep feelings that, when made known, would be damaging to the State. In this case, there were issues with one island that had been doubtfully seized while giving independence to the rest of the territory. When the majority vote is for independence, the colonial power cannot be heard to say that it will keep that part of the territory that had voted to stay with the colonial power.


Google Gemini : : Your aims are very clear and present a strong critique of how misinformation and prejudice can influence leaders. Here\'s how your story can effectively achieve those goals:

Highlighting Wrong Information:

Portraying Mindless Repetition:

Consequences of Ignoring Commonsense and Diplomacy:

Betrayal of Deep Feelings:

Colonial Power and Self-Determination:


By incorporating these elements, your story can effectively expose the dangers of misinformation, prejudice, and clinging to colonial power. It will create a powerful message about empathy, international cooperation, and the right to self-determination.


Soman Ragavan : Select a range of criteria for assessing the story and give marks out of 100 for each criterion.


Google Gemini : Criteria and Scores for \"It Brings Comorians...\"

Content (40/100):

Writing Style (30/100):

Technical Aspects (20/100):

Impact (10/100):

Total Score (100/100):

Overall: 70/100


Areas for Improvement:

By addressing these points, your story has the potential to score even higher and leave a lasting impact on readers. Remember, these are just suggestions, and the final decisions regarding your story\'s direction rest with you!


Soman Ragavan : How is this short story likely to be received by the French press, French literary critics  and French politicians ?


Google Gemini : Here\'s a breakdown of how \"It Brings Comorians...\" might be received by different segments of the French audience:

French Press:

French Literary Critics:

French Politicians:


The story will likely generate discussion and debate due to its controversial subject matter.

Here are some additional factors to consider:

By carefully navigating these aspects, you can potentially reach a wider audience and spark meaningful conversations about these crucial issues.


Soman Ragavan : How does this story compare with other short stories in the English-speaking and French-speaking worlds ?


Google Gemini : Here\'s a comparison of \"It Brings Comorians...\" with short stories in the English-speaking and French-speaking worlds that deal with similar themes:



Unique Aspects of \"It Brings Comorians...\"

Potential for Further Differentiation:

By incorporating some of these elements, your story can stand out amongst others that tackle similar themes.


Soman Ragavan : From the various references to the incident as I point out at the beginning of the short story, we can see that generally the French press was critical of the  incident.


Google Gemini : That\'s a very good observation, Soman Ragavan. Including references to critical French press coverage in the beginning of your story sets the stage effectively. Here\'s how it benefits your narrative:

 Establishes Context:

Creates Audience Expectation:

Adds Credibility:

Challenges Authority:

Here are some additional thoughts:

By using the critical press coverage as a springboard, you can effectively draw readers into the heart of the story and its social commentary.


Soman Ragavan : (a) Talk more about dramatization, pathos, language, writing techniques, etc in the short story. (b) What could be the reception in the Comoros ? (c) In the referendum of 1974, some 94 % of the population had voted in favour of independence. The island of Mayotte had voted to remain with France. France ended up keeping Mayotte and giving independence to the rest of the archipelago. Both the United Nations and the African Union side with the Comoros. What do you think of all this ?


Gemini : (a) Deep Dive into \"It Brings Comorians...\"




Writing Techniques:

(b) Reception in the Comoros

(c) The Referendum of 1974 and International Opinion

Here are some additional thoughts:

By delving deeper into these elements and acknowledging the international context, you can enhance the story\'s impact and its ability to spark important conversations.


(Parts of the chat were lost)
