Reynaldo Casison

Upon the Sighing shore

The Midnight moon sweetly glows,

And the pretty waves shimmer,

The lighthouse candles hymn,

With the Caress of Spring,

The nightingales and sparrows,

The fruit of the vineyards,

Hymn sweeter,

With the candles exquisite warmth,

And our loves can be felt,

Upon the Sighing shore,


A lady with golden honey hair,

Like a rose,

Sways away her cares,

Lounging by the steady palm trees,

Amidst the drifters,

With the waves they serenade,

Another ballerina hem,

Such were our loves,

When we were like honeysuckles,

Within the carefree Caress of youth,

Upon the Sighing shore,


And the exquisite ones,

With their hair and hems windswept,

although weary,

With sweet longings,

In their gaze,

The moonlight does flow,

With our loves that has no end,

Tenderness ablaze,

Upon the Sighing bonfire shore

Reynaldo Casison