
Another Planet Another Life

A tale of a Prince of Asura’s strife,

from another planet, of another life.

I was thrown among the mortals

to know love and diminish my pride.


I neither knew love nor knew pain,

I was quite happy, maybe a little vain.

I had so many blessings and no bane,

I knew the feeling of being sane.


I wish I had known this grime

that vanity is such a big crime.

I was feeling great, was in my prime.,

never knew, I’d get thrown this time.


Love is magical, it is a soul’s feel,

it seems so easy, like a done deal.

It hit me subsurface below the keel

posing a challenge, difficult to heal.


Yet I say bring it on, give me more,

my eyes are flowing, not yet sore.

Love in a drop of a tear is much more

then the loving sensations can pour.


I adore love despite knowing my fate,

for relinquishing pride, it is the bait.

I don\'t care about the Heaven’s Gate

or rivers of fire running in full spate.


I saw it real even with a purpled glass,

differentiating grains from the grass.

Dismayed yet stayed true to my path

I hope this lifetime, I will surely pass.


I stayed on the path of love with grace,

within the confines of the human race.

I bore the separation of intent and space,

despite dishonour slapping in my face.


A path enduring pain and heartache,

travelled alone for another heart’s sake.

With ego and pride’s existence at stake,

it is probably a training for heartbreak.


Is it an end of this training or reform

or do I await another life, another form?

With the love brews another storm

would it feel nice to be reborn?


It’s a dream profoundly so calm,

will I get power or be a pawn?

Carve some lines on my palm,

I’ll write you a beautiful psalm.


Will my heart be broken again,

until I start enjoying the pain?

Will I come across a beautiful dame

who’ll stay by me in the rain?


Another set of parents, another place,

Another race but at a practised pace.

I will meet friends in a different space,

and a smile spreads across my face.


They called me mad, called me clown,

knowing not whether I’ve been down.

I am reaping what seeds I\'ve sown,

on Earth again, I am excited to be thrown.


Rivers flow along with tributaries with glee,

in the end, they finally merge into the sea.

To merge in another soul with love we agree

finally, we merge with universal love into thee.