


It’s a cold night in the dogs home

Snow is on the ground

Christmas time is here again

so lonely for a hound


Kids want dogs for presents

but the novelty doesn’t last

so once here in this kennel

life can fade out fast


Benjy sits alone and thinks

of the people that pass by

looking for a family pet

and he just wonders why


He’s the one that no one wants

that  barks and wags his tail a lot

tries to lick them through the cage

to show them what he’s got


To offer in affection

and always be on hand

to help protect and keep them safe

from the bad people in the land


Benjy’s a German Shepherd dog

he knows he’s rather large and ferocious

and  needs a special owner

because he can be quite precocious


Another dawn, another day

he’s thinking to himself

just like another children’s toy

left upon the shelf


A door creaks open down the end

of the kennel row he’s in

a few more people to have a look

at what state the dogs are in


The open door lets in some snow

it just comes in to gloat

not much to keep him warm at all

only his fur coat





The family pass him by so fast

they didn’t look at all

or so he thought, this time he was wrong

perhaps God heard his call


A little girl and boy came back

said mummy this one’s nice

this comment perked him up no end

he thought I cost no price


But mummy said he’s rather large

we know they said, but think of it

he will protect us while daddy is away

and this made her think a bit


Can we see him better

perhaps  we can take him for a walk

but Benjy had been there before

he knew it was only talk


On his best behaviour

he woofed to say hello

long time since he had arms around him

since he played out in the snow


Been in and out of families

for many, many years

no one ever realizes

that even a dogs can still shed tears


Now six or seven years of age

no one really knows

the pain and heartache of being neglected

sometimes never shows


The children were excited

they kept him on his toes

playing running, jumping about

rolling in the snow


Back at the kennel the mother said

we will take him for a week

to see how he behaves himself

then looked back to take a peek







                        To late to see the children in the snow

their faces a joy to see

come on Benjy said the mum

your coming home with me


Benjy sat and pondered

there was a God for dogs after all

the months he had sat and waited

for some kind family to call


Jenny the kennel maid gave him a pat

said well old friend its time to go

so off they  went so happily

leaving footprints  in the snow


But this time it was different

because showing by their side

were some quite large paw marks

from the dog that sometimes cried