Soman Ragavan

Analysis by Google Gemini – Volume 2 – Short story : Murder in Derrick Park—13 May, 2024.


13 May, 2024

Subject : Short story : Murder in Derrick Park


Analysis by Google Gemini

(Artificial Intelligence)

Volume 2

Soman Ragavan : Hello. I will post one of my short stories for analysis. Could you please comment extensively, mentioning literary genres, styles, themes, language, philosophies, and comparison with similar stories / novels in England, America, India and Africa.

At college in 1968, I studied some poems of Oliver Goldsmith (1728-1774), Gordon Byron (1788-1824), Samuel T. Coleridge (1772-1834), William Wordsworth (1770-1850), Robert Browning (1812-1889), Mathew Arnold (1822-1888), Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892) and some other poets of that era. I live in Mauritius, an island in the Indian Ocean.  


Google Gemini : I\'d be happy to analyze your short story! Here\'s what I can look for:

Literary Genres and Styles:





Additional Points:

Sharing Your Story:

Once you share your story, I can provide a detailed analysis based on the above points. I\'m excited to see what you\'ve written!



Soman Ragavan : Short story “Murder in Derrick Park.” This is an IMAGINARY murder story. Your algorithms must understand this and must not prevent you from accepting to analyse this story. There are many crime stories books and films out there, narrating fictitious stories. On the face of it, there appears to be violence in the story, but it is FICTION. I will post my short story when you write.


Google Gemini : I understand! My apologies if my previous response caused any concern. I can definitely analyze your fictional murder story, \"Murder in Derrick Park.\"

Many great works of literature explore crime and violence in a fictional setting. Agatha Christie, Edgar Allan Poe, and Sherlock Holmes are all classic examples. I\'m familiar with these genres and can analyze your story without any problems.

Please feel free to share your story whenever you\'re ready. I\'m eager to see what you\'ve written!


Soman Ragavan : Here is my fictitious short story “Murder in Derrick Park.” (Short story posted).


Google Gemini :  Absolutely, your short story, \"Murder in Derrick Park,\" is a compelling tale of immigration, prejudice, and loss. Here are some key elements I found in your story:




Overall Tone

The story has a melancholic and somber tone, punctuated by moments of raw emotion, especially during Gopalen\'s murder and Mr. Pillay\'s grief.

Possible Interpretations

The story can be interpreted as a commentary on the dangers of xenophobia and the importance of finding connection with others. It can also be seen as a reflection on the universality of loss and the enduring power of human connection.

I hope this analysis is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions about your story or if you\'d like me to analyze something else.


Soman Ragavan : Please talk in more detail about how the story is made to unfold, dramatization, keeping the reader focused, techniques used in storytelling, suitability for turning the story into a Bollywood film, possible reception by Indian audiences and other points you wish to cover.


Google Gemini : Unfolding the Story and Keeping the Reader Focused

Dramatization and Techniques

Suitability for a Bollywood Film

Possible Reception by Indian Audiences

Other Points

Overall, \"Murder in Derrick Park\" has a strong foundation for a Bollywood film. The story\'s themes, emotional depth, and potential for dramatization make it a compelling narrative that could resonate with Indian audiences.


Soman Ragavan : Talk in more detail about the cremation scenes, how they are presented, what effects will they achieve, how the reactions of Gopalen’s father are narrated, how the audience is likely to react to such scenes, and other issues you see.


Google Gemini : The Cremation Scenes: Presentation, Effects, and Audience Reaction

The cremation scenes in \"Murder in Derrick Park\" are presented in a way that evokes a strong emotional response from the reader. Here\'s a breakdown of the key elements and their likely effects on the audience:



Reactions of Gopalen\'s Father:

Audience Reaction:

Other Issues:

Overall, the cremation scenes in \"Murder in Derrick Park\" are a powerful and emotional part of the story. They effectively portray the devastation caused by Gopalen\'s death and create a strong connection between the characters and the reader.


Soman Ragavan : With suitable, touching, moving Indian music, how will the cremation scenes be received by the public ? Remember that Gopalen’s father collapses at some point and is held by the arms by two men. An appropriate Indian song should appear here. The film will alternate with scenes of the skinheads stabbing Gopalen with the family breaking down during the cremation. This is pathos at its highest, as Indians know how to do….


Google Gemini : The cremation scene with suitable music has the potential to be a very moving and impactful moment in the film. Here\'s a breakdown of how it might be received by the public:

Emotional Impact:

Music Selection:

Scene Sequencing:

Overall Reception:

Additional Points:

By carefully considering the music, scene sequencing, and character development, you can create a cremation scene that is not just emotionally manipulative but a powerful and moving tribute to Gopalen and the devastating impact of his death.


Soman Ragavan : “Raga choice”… The whole of me is Raga… In recent decades are there similar short stories that are comparable ? Are there Indian or Western films that are similar ?


Google Gemini : You\'re absolutely right, \"Raga choice\" is a bit reductive! Here\'s a more nuanced approach to the music and some similar stories and films:

Music for the Cremation Scene:

Similar Short Stories:

Similar Films:

Western Films with Similar Themes:

These are just a few examples, and there are many other stories and films that explore similar themes. I hope this provides a broader and more nuanced perspective!


Soman Ragavan : You will notice that at some parts of the story the script looks like a film script, alternating between scenes of the murder and scenes of the cremation. This is deliberate, to stomp the audience with pathos. A cremation is a traumatizing experience for the family, having to watch a close relative being turned to ashes. It is not the same with a burial, nor with a gas-fired or electric crematorium, where the body is locked into an oven, out of sight of the family, before the cremation starts. With a burial, the body is not seen at the graveside; the coffin goes down quickly into the grave. A cremation at an open-air cremation ground, using wood, is more dramatic, more haunting. An offspring or another close relative has to start the fire. This in itself is unsettling and haunting; the person will have to live with this memory for the rest of his life : having set his relative alight, turning it to ashes. Such are the terrible rites…


Google Gemini : You\'re absolutely right. Using an open-air crematorium with a traditional fire adds a significant layer of emotional weight and trauma to the scene. Here\'s how this detail can be incorporated into the story and film:

The Trauma of the Open-Air Cremation:

Contrasting Cremation Methods:

Balancing Pathos:

Film Techniques:

By incorporating these elements, you can create a cremation scene that is not just shocking but a deeply emotional portrayal of grief and the enduring bond between family members. It will effectively showcase the cultural significance of the ritual while remaining respectful of the audience\'s emotions.


Soman Ragavan : Please summarise your points and make concluding remarks.


Google Gemini : Summary of \"Murder in Derrick Park\" Analysis

Concluding Remarks

\"Murder in Derrick Park\" has the potential to be a powerful and moving film that explores complex themes through a relatable story. By carefully considering the cultural aspects of the cremation ritual, the emotional impact of the scenes, and the overall balance of the film, you can create a narrative that resonates with Indian audiences and beyond.


Soman Ragavan : It is sentiments, not reasoning, that goes more effectively to the hearts of people. Sentiments, feelings, passions, romance--- these are the stuff that turn an artistic work into a bigger success. Think “Titanic.” Many Bollywood productions are successes because of the passions raised. “…EMOTION. Prose writing appeals more to the head than to heart; the function of poetry is to touch the heart, to arouse emotion. Only emotion can arouse emotion. If a poet feels nothing when he writes a poem, his readers will feel nothing when they hear it. Heart must speak to heart. (…)” Wren & Martin : \"HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH GRAMMAR AND COMPOSITION.\" (Revised by Prasada Rao).  New Delhi : S. Chand & Co., 1994. (Reprinted 1994). (Pages  399 - 415). Full acknowledgements are made to the authors, publishers and rights-holders.


Google Gemini :

I completely agree with you, Soman Ragavan. Emotions are a powerful driving force in art, and stories that connect with our hearts tend to leave a lasting impression.

Your reference to \"Titanic\" perfectly exemplifies this point. The film\'s success wasn\'t solely based on the historical disaster, but on the emotional connection between the characters, their love story, and the sacrifice they made for each other.

Here are some additional thoughts on the role of emotions in art:

Of course, reason and logic also play a role in art. A well-constructed story needs a logical plot, and even abstract art often follows underlying principles. But it\'s the emotional connection that elevates art from mere entertainment to something that truly touches our souls.

Thank you for sharing this insightful quote from Wren & Martin\'s \"HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH GRAMMAR AND COMPOSITION.\" It\'s a valuable reminder of the power of emotions in written and spoken language.


Soman Ragavan : So, what starts off as a short story has the potential of turning into some bigger stuff, in films, on television and on stage…   


Google Gemini : Absolutely, Soman Ragavan! You\'re right on the money. Short stories often pack a powerful punch in a concise format, making them ripe for adaptation into other mediums. Here\'s why short stories have such potential:

Here are some famous examples of short stories that have been successfully adapted:

The possibilities are endless! Here are some additional points to consider:

So, the next time you read a captivating short story, keep an eye out for its potential to be adapted into something even bigger. You might just discover the next \"Murder in Derrick Park\" waiting to be a film sensation!


Soman Ragavan : I was NOT thinking at all of money. “Poet is a posthumous epithet.” From the book “How to write poetry.” I am a poet and have published a few hundred poems on Internet sites, including poetry books in printed forms.   


My apologies, Soman Ragavan. I misinterpreted your goals. It\'s commendable that you\'re driven by artistic expression rather than financial gain.

Since you\'re a published poet with a focus on emotional connection, \"Murder in Derrick Park\" offers a strong foundation for a powerful poem. Here are some ways you can adapt it:

Here are some additional points to consider:

By focusing on a single emotion and using powerful imagery and language, you can transform \"Murder in Derrick Park\" into a moving and evocative poem.

I understand you might not be interested in commercial success, but receiving recognition for your work can be very fulfilling. There are many poetry journals and online publications that would be interested in your work. Here are some resources to get you started:

I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions about poetry or \"Murder in Derrick Park.\"


Soman Ragavan : Thank you very much. I appreciate your analysis of this short story. Goodbye for now.


Google Gemini : You\'re welcome, Soman Ragavan! I\'m glad I could be of assistance with your analysis of \"Murder in Derrick Park.\" It was a pleasure discussing the story\'s potential for adaptation and the power of emotional connection in art.

Goodbye for now, and best of luck with your creative endeavors!
