
Unraveled Threads

Like puzzle pieces scattered wide,
Memories haunt me, I can\'t hide.
Fear, shame, disgust, a tangled web,
As childhood innocence I\'ve shed.

My cousins\' hands, a touch so wrong,
Their whispers echoed, a haunting song.
My stepfather\'s grip, a cruel embrace,
Leaving wounds that time can\'t erase.

The tapestry of my soul, once pure,
Now torn and frayed, beyond repair.
Each thread a reminder of that pain,
A broken spirit, forever stained.

I search for solace, a guiding light,
To mend the pieces, make them right.
But shadows linger, memories persist,
A haunting echo, a cruel twist.

Like shards of glass, my heart\'s now strewn,
A shattered vessel, forever undone.
The puzzle remains, forever incomplete,
A testament to a childhood bittersweet.