

When the clouds of despair hover, and the tide of hope is succumbed

When the party is over, and the illusion of reality is hinged

When all is said and done-the power of choice was diminished

The oblivious choices we made, the endless loops was the trade

The loops of our own undoings, the gallotine of belligerent doings

The supposed quench to our subtle appetites, yet dopamine was the sole benefitiary

We sold our souls to the world, the only hope is shoving it back

We had our congruence mistaken for weakness

We accepted the cookies unknowningly, now we pay for our rookie mistakes

Deep within it was involuntary yet inevitable

Chains of bondage, fondling hearts to be susceptible to loops

Loops of profanity, loops of despicable customized algorithms

Beneath the misty obscurity, there\'s a lighthouse in the horizon

Take the route to your right and don\'t look back to save what is left

Opposite is precarious ramifications, worse-you turn a pillar of salt

Better believe it , abstinence makes the heart grow fonder...