Aaliyah Bindra





She could never be the main character

As much as she tried  to be

She could mask her insecurities with  layers  of foundation

Hide the dark circles that hint to her shadowy past with blotches of concealer

Light up her boring personality with a bright lip shade

Or pick up a paintbrush

to add colour to her monochrome life,

But all would be the same.

For the fabric of a canvas does not change

even when it is saturated in paint.

Once washed off the canvas is a lifeless blank screen

Without any caricatures or  ambitious dreams

Which are far from coming true .

She could never be the main character

For there was always someone one to 30 steps ahead of her

In the frivolous and frantic society of today

So she decided to make her dreams come true

in fantasy lands of books and streams

of paint ,

patches of ink and their textured in-betweens

She could never be the main character or rather

that is what it seems …

to a princess locked in the tower

locked in the cage of her insecurities