
Mockery of Democracy

In corridors of power, shadows fall,

Where honor once stood, now corruption stands tall.

Diplomacy abandoned, rudeness in its place,

Our leaders wear shame as if it were grace.


They claim to serve us, voices loud and grand,

Yet their deeds are self-serving, a selfish command.

In their games of power, we are mere pawns,

Dreams of true representation are shorn.


Two candidates presented, a mockery revealed,

A choice between the shameful, our fate sealed.

A turd or a douchebag, Stone and Parker’s jest,

But in truth, it’s the reality we detest.


Are these the best, our nation’s finest indeed?

If so, then we’re doomed, our future to bleed.

For common sense shuns this deceitful parade,

As the essence of democracy starts to fade.


Let shame be their mantle, their legacy known,

For a nation betrayed, their guilt overthrown.

May we rise from this mire, reclaim what is lost,

And ensure that true leaders will never exhaust.


© Susie Stiles-Wolf