WL Schuett

Rivers Sad Song

Loose lines, mudflats

the lonesome sparrow sings.


The walls around Eden

are gaurded by…

half peace melodies 

where rivers birth

my saddest songs .


Cinders in the moonlight

romance sizzling in the desert

has moved to the Tundra.

Pulled by the oppressive 

dream of heat lightning.


Trying to silence the 

Rivers music.


Screaming eagles ate

the Coyotes howl.

Recessed from the icy

pain of spoiled humanity.

Rivers of sorrow.

Rivers of pain .


Waiting in the reeds

to sacrifice my soul.

Yearning to caress 

your intelligence.

Lost in your magic

the flower yet 

to be named . 

Lamenting that I will

never know your mysteries ,

your melodies 

nor the essence of your song .

Your gentleness 

or how you found 

the way you love .

While Its a loss 

I can not know 

still it haunts 

the River of my soul.


The beating cross

the burden I bear .

Singing out my 

saddest songs.