
I don\'t know what\'s Going On

I don\'t know what\'s going on,

in my mind, what\'s playing on?


I don\'t know what I asked for,

was it so binding or a blaster?

I didn\'t know if it was too much,

I asked for a few words as such.


I don\'t know what\'s going on,

in my mind, what’s playing on?


We started as friends so sweet,

who were speaking like a tweet.

Whose present felt like a treat,

all my heart wanted was to greet.


I don\'t know what\'s going on,

in my mind, what’s playing on?


From blessings, it went to a dark spell

You were so kind, yet who could tell?

The fragrance began turning into a smell

and once a heaven was turning into hell.


I don\'t know what\'s going on,

in my mind, what’s playing on?


When love is not respected,

when the feelings are rejected?

Where trust is not expected.

where intentions are suspected?


I don\'t know what\'s going on,

in my mind, what’s playing on?


It happens out there, everywhere.

It is a cosmic law, fair and square.

Nature nurtures with love and care,

to shy away from love, should we dare?


I now know what\'s going on,

it is our karma that\'s playing on.


I have no complaints really,

I have no demands usually.

I just want to coexist peacefully,

Living alongside preferably.