Narayan Gadagkar

An election where a billion vote

In the land where rivers weave and mountains rise,

Where ancient temples abound and kiss the skies,

A mammoth task begins, to record a nation\'s voice,

When more than  a billion  people  cast their choice.          


From Himalayas\' peaks to Kanyakumari\'s shore,

From Thar desert through jungles to Sundarbans

A majestic dance of democracy, mammoth and grand,

Spreads its wide wings across this vibrant land.


Spanning over kilometers more than three million

Over thirty Latitudes and Longitudes of a vast nation

Always on its toes is the Central Election commission

Each step and each move made by a meticulous plan


In the robust and sturdy EVMs, the votes are cast

In seven phases and two months, since nation is vast

The security personnel and police remain alert and vigilant

Ensure peace and smooth franchise in each polling booth.


 Battle lines are drawn between the political parties

 One side promises of freebies and guarantees

 Other side assures booming economy and developments

 A fierce contest between the dynasts and nationalists

 Citizens to choose with wisdom and discernment.


                                ……………..Narayan Gadagkar