Dev Parth


In corners where the shadows play,
Where light of progress fades away,
There lies a world both old and new,
An untouched society, pure and true.

Beyond the reach of modern hands,
In quiet fields and ancient lands,
They live with nature, side by side,
In simple grace, with humble pride.

No screens to steal the hours fast,
No concrete walls or towers vast,
Their wealth is found in earth and sky,
In stars that wink an ageless eye.

With wisdom passed from heart to heart,
In songs and tales, they play their part,
A heritage that time forgot,
Yet in their souls, the truest lot.

They dance to tunes of wind and rain,
To rhythms of the harvest grain,
Their laughter echoes in the trees,
A symphony of life\'s decrees.

In untouched society, they find,
A peace that\'s rare, a tranquil mind,
They teach us what we’ve left behind,
The simple truths, so intertwined.

So, as we chase our fleeting dreams,
In neon lights and endless schemes,
Remember those who softly tread,
Upon the earth where we all spread.