
A Day Out in The Country

A Day Out in The Country


The uniformity of the green field

   from my window ..

Though still predominantly green,

was interrupted

here and there, by random smears

of the deepest

crimson imaginable and which in

turn, reminded

me of an old Goethe masterpiece,

   or Passchendaele ..

Tho’ on closer inspection, through

my inherited pair

   of old, world war one, field glasses ..

I could just make

out the remains of at least a dozen

   stillborn lambs ..

Each rendered lifeless, by a single

over-excited dog,

a mixed flock of corvids and three

   opportunistic gulls ..

I also noticed, that the previously

well displayed sign,

requesting all dogs, be kept on their

leads during

lambing season, had been destroyed

and was evidently

ignored by hordes of tourists from

the big city who

   were seemingly just out for a day’s jolly ..