Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

Remove Islamic Ideologue and International Criminal Court Prosecutor Karim A. A. Khan immediately


The International Criminal Court

I am making this complaint against International Criminal Court prosecutor Karim A. A. Khan after seeing his staunch Islamic ideology as well as his everyday practice of Islam that imposed and superimposed Islamic ideology of eliminating non-Muslim communities to establish an Islamic State across the globe. Mr. Khan clearly demonstrated that for him, Islam and its faith are final and authentic, with the intent of establishing an Islamic state in the land of non-Islamic Israel by eliminating Israeli leaders and the state from the map. His arrest warrants against the democratically elected Prime Minister of Israel and his Defense Minister clearly show that Mr. Khan demonstrated Islamic law rather than democratic law. He used his authority and office to implement his Islamic law in the name of law and human rights. He, like any Muslim, abused his office to implement his Quran, Sharia, and Islamic ideology, but in the name of human rights and law at the International Criminal Court. Like every Muslim, Mr. Khan’s final belief is not in the modern constitution but in Islam, the Quran, and Sharia. Allah is his final, the Quran is his final, and Sharia is his final. For many, like me, the modern constitution is final. God, religion, and faith are personal and private, but for Mr. Khan or for any Muslim in the western states, the Quran is the final. None of our modern constitutions matter to them. They are occupying our democratic offices, spaces, knowledge-centers, states, humans, streets, and times to establish their Islamic state. Mr. Khan is not exempt. He clearly misused and abused his office and oath in matters involving Israel and the Jewish community. As you know, Jews are born humane, Nobel laureates, democrats, creative thinkers, philosophers, artists, aesthetes, upholders of human rights, and practitioners. The Jewish community produced people like Jesus Christ, Karl Marx, Albert Einstein, etc. 60% of Nobel laureates in any subject are in the Jewish community. The theory was created by Jews. Knowledge is produced by a tiny Jewish community. They are the light in the world. They worship life, unlike Muslims, who worship death and darkness. They are substitutes for life, light, human rights, knowledge, theory, peace, and nonviolence. None of the Muslims have any history of holding any law, human rights, democracy, peace, knowledge, human values, rationality, reason, etc. Mr. Khan misused his office to persecute Jewish states by sending arrest warrants against Israeli leaders as well as by comparing Islamic terrorist organizations, states, and people with the most democratic Jewish community. Comparing Israelis with Islamic terrorist states and organizations itself shows how much Mr. Khan misused and abused his office and power. Hence, as a global citizen, I am scared of Mr. Karim A. A. Khan for his Islamic ideology that justified sending arrest warrants against non-Islamic-faith Israeli leaders. His name itself shows he is a radicalized Muslim who punishes non-Muslim communities by using his power and office in the name of law and human rights. I strongly believe that he is implementing what the Quran says in the name of the law and human rights. When Muslims are occupying democratic institutions, they are abusing democratic institutions across global spaces. I urge you to investigate the conspiracy of Mr. Khan and other Islamic terrorist organizations. As you might have known, these Islamists raped and drugged tens of thousands of non-Muslim girls and women over a period of time in East London. Mr. Khan came from the UK, where every Muslim is a radicalized one and a foot soldier to establish an Islamic state. Now his arrest warrants show that he wants to establish an Islamic state in Israel. Mr. Khan has been deeply influenced by the Qur\'an, Sharia, and other Islamic literature that seeks to eliminate the Jewish and non-Muslim communities since his birth. The world witnessed how Muslim professors, doctors, lawyers, engineers, scientists, intellectuals, scholars, scientists, states, billionaires, poets, UNRWA, UNO, WHO, Red Cross, World Kitchen, etc. are part of Islamic terrorism. Mr. Khan is not exempt. He is a Muslim by faith. Faith matters when analyzing whether someone is democratic or not. In his family, nobody is a non-Muslim. Everyone in his family is a Muslim. In my family, my forefather was a Finnish man (Mathew Miller) 250 years ago. My foremother was untouchable by caste from India. My father was a black Indian Christian. My mother was a white Hindu. I am a black Indian, and my wife is an Ethiopian Christian. We have a Muslim and a Buddhist in my family. My name is a Hindu name, but my first baby was killed by Hindus in India, my curren son’s name is a democratic name, Saviour. My second son\'s name was Stanford. He was killed by a forceful vaccine in Germany. Ours is a multicultural family, but Mr. Khan’s family never had a multicultural family. It is purely a Muslim family without any place for any democratic or multicultural practice. He is a hard-core Muslim, like any Muslim. Moreover, western-based Muslims are more radicalized than non-western-based Muslims since every western-based Muslim hates westerners, Jews, and non-Muslims and is waiting to turn western spaces into their Islamic states. So that people like Mr. Khan or another London Mayor, Mr. Khan, or other Muslim leaders from western states are encouraging tens of millions of terrorists and criminals to seek asylum in the western states by using the 1948 Refugee Convention. It is a conspiracy of Muslims like him who are working in international law, human rights, and justice bodies to invite tens of millions of terrorists from the Muslim family background. They are bringing tens of millions of Islamic terrorists in order to establish an Islamic state in our democratic spaces. Hence, remove him from the office for his conspiracy against Israel and the Jewish community, as well as for his Janus-faced ideology to carry out his Islamic ideology in the name of law and human rights. He abused office and authority but implemented his Islamic faith by using the ICC. He sent a strong signal that non-Muslims do not have any right to self-defense but are subordinate to 3 billion radicalized Islamic terrorists. In my family, we have Finnish blood, Indian blood, and Ethiopian blood from entirely different religious and race backgrounds, but in the family of Mr. Khan or in the family of any Muslim, there is no place for Africans or non-Muslims. This is direct evidence that he is a hardcore Muslim like any Muslim on earth to establish an Islamic state, but in the name of law and human rights since he is living in our democratic and multicultural spaces. Mr. Khan believes in his Islamic purity. His arrest warrants come from an Islamic ideology background. Israel, or any nation, has the right to self-defense against any religious-based terrorism. Mr. Khan is upholding his Islamic terrorism against Israel. We can’t keep him in his office. He is using taxpayer money to implement his Islamic ideology against the only democratic state in the Middle East and North Africa, Israel, to persecute. He is a danger to democracy, truth, peace, human rights, global security, the LGBTQ community, untouchables, gypsies, indigenous communities, non-Muslims, Jews, Romas, scientists, modern constitution, multiculturalism, modernity, Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Parses, Red Indians, the safety of western citizens, Western States, global bodies, honesty, ethics, professionalism, human values, and minority life. The ICC should remove him from power. Mr. Khan was appointed by another Jewish hater, the current Secretary General of UNO, to eliminate a tiny minority Jewish state from the earth. He is also a power monger, like his family members. I am shocked to see his Muslim elite background, where he fought for imposing Muslims on western democratic spaces where Muslims are incompatible with our values. He himself is incompatible with our western values, which we believe in and cherish. The ICC should remove him from office. He is incompatible with our western values or Jewish values with his conservative Islamic values. We have to save our western values from conservative Muslims like him. We have to protect the Jewish community from his Islamic ideology. Islam and its followers are incompatible with our western and Jewish values.

Stop terrorizing Israel at UNO, WHO, ICC, UNRWA!

Stop Islamic terrorism at UNO, WHO, ICC, UNRWA!

Save our lives from Islamists!


LGBTQ Campaigner

Author of \"Why I Am Not Indian: The Untouchable Rejecting Indian Citizenship\"

Author of \"Intellectual History of Anti-Caste Philosophers in India: A Study on Babasaheb, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar\"

DALIT ACADEMIC MAFIA (https://dalitacademicmafia.blogspot.com/),
TIGRAY GENOCIDE IN ETHIOPIA (dejazamtchnegussebezabih.blogspot.com/),
FRUSTRATED INDIAN (https://iamfrustratedindian.blogspot.com/)
HUMAN RIGHTS CAMPAIGN (https://humanrightsandlgbtqcampaign.blogspot.com/?zx=71401b8d94b9b310)

My Poetic Side: https://mypoeticside.com/user-27107
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