
Journeys in Ink: A Poet\'s Tale

In chambers of heart and realms of thought,

A spark ignites where silence is sought,

The echo of laughter, the shadow of pain,

Each pulse of emotion a poet\'s gain.


The whisper of leaves, a lover\'s embrace,

A fleeting smile on a stranger\'s face,

The scent of rain on a parched desert land,

Each stirs the ink in the poet\'s hand.


From ages past to future untold,

In stories of youth and legends old,

The craft is honed through life\'s undulate,

Each wave a verse, each tide a slate.


In dreams that soar and hopes that ground,

In tears that cleanse and joys profound,

The words are woven, a tapestry grand,

A bridge from heart to another\'s hand.


For poems are more than mere lines and rhyme,

A dance with time, a soul\'s soft chime,

A window to worlds and a mirror to see,

The hum of life in its purest decree.


So here\'s to the many that came before,

The unseen journeys, the hidden lore,

The flame that burns in a poet\'s core,

The dance, the muse, the mythic roar.


© Susie Stiles-Wolf