A.D. Small

Beauty Of Venus

Beauty Of Venus


Prompt: The Tortured Queen Of Venus!


She owes nothing to this place, but this is where she belongs.

Queen to this lonely planet.

Her royalty sings the boldest songs

Her times been lost and spent


Her golden hair, like embers from the sun

Face of mere mortal beauty 

Venus is where her story begun

This is who she was born to be


She rules her people out of respect and love

Walking with the grace of the moon

Her soul came from the God\'s above

She\'s a hurricane\'s monsoon


Her heart is as fierce as a lion

Nobility runs in her blood

The places her feet has been

They\'ve walked through the deepest mud


But still she shines brighter than any star 

Happy to be this fierce queen

She would travel near and far

And go to all the places unseen


Born to rule these lands, it is her fate

This is what she is meant to do

Her soul will have to wait

Until she can be closer to you


A.D. Small

May 22, 2024