
Worthy sons

I see, I see, two tears in your eyes

They are for your sons, your worthy young boys

With whom you have shared your sorrows and your joys

And to whom you are bound with unbreakable ties.

Where are they off to, is it to the front ?

Tall strapping youths, with those eager eyes of theirs

They should be at home with two damsels fair

Yet here are they both; ready to go somewhere

Where I do not know, but it’s not that I don’t care

Why do you answer my question just with a grunt

Is it possible that are already feeling, of other responsibilities, the brunt?

Poor old soul, your eyes are red with weeping

For after your husband’s death, you have been care of them, keeping

And now here are they both, are they ignorant of your sorrow

For them is it only smiles and a wait for tomorrow?

Don’t worry, dear mother, you’ll surely seem them again

And that next meeting will surely erase all your pain

Peace shall then, forever, in your heart reign

And the torrents of tears will no longer rain..

They are good sons, worthy of both our country and of you

Sons, such as these, are indeed very few

And our gratitude to them, is indeed, far overdue……