

Many teachers and mentors in my life path.

The first one, showed me violence against the weak one,

I was only 7.

The second an old female math teacher expressed my total inability to

logical thinking.

The third one, Italian teacher, my inner extremely timid behaviour, I was only 9.


The others, everyday teachers who performed their mandatory tasks, in a public recognized

role, no matter how performed.

Need from them to talk about themselves than anything else.


Very few left an indelible and truthful trace in my mind.

An English Uni prof perhaps.

A French Uni prof, a gay one, perhaps, who had never showed any issues in being gay.

never spoke about it either!

Very few valuable mentors in my professional life.

Short term mentorship.

Granted availability in case of needful explanation.

2 or 4 perhaps.

Invented mind set rules, according to company productive circumstances.

Imitation should not be the rule.


Healthy curiosity, love , depth of consideration,awarness, interest, ignorance admittance

Attraction subject matter thought.


Positive on- line tutorials and training.

Outcome is good when you do, love what you do....




The self-taught training.

Always in company of digital world and wise written books.


Repetition to the infinite cosmic explanation- in expansion-

the same concepts, adding new ones towards the future.

Where would you possibly practice?

Getting exhausted for something you enjoy is a priceless feeling.

Self-taught being.


UK May 2024