
The debate


The feeling of warmth in my cheeks


the pain of an eternity?

\'\'I , I ...\'\'

\'\'You are remarkable\'\'

The once thought impossible 

now nightmares which are wild .

\'\'Thank you!\'\'I should feel the warmth...

Irony of it all ,

her mask is made of salt.

One drop, it is all gone.

My voice lost .

My spirit gone. 

My tortured soul 

is silenced for the world.


My silence is key.

Key made by me.

Past me saw the cliff

and rebulit the bridge.


My silence  is defence

of my woderful \'\'achievement\'\'.

But a gale came and stayed 

Ruining my array.

Defeated I\'m afraid.

I hid and wept 

I only saw clouds grey .

The metamorphosis of the past 

coerced me into selling my key .

Is it safe?

The future would whisper the fate 

Crimson frame.

Lifeless life became .

The fame of the saint.

I bow to fate .

\'\'Show me your pain , your scars not so many .

Just brake the cage\'\'

Is it safe?

The future whispered the trepidation.

She is lonely and afraid.

Unable to mouth her P-A-I-N

she slips deeper in the grave 

for a while she felt safe.

For how long?

Till they no longer fall?


Is this safe?

Comparing sides 

Till morrow is bright .

Till horizon is His life.

Till He is the savior of her mind.

Till the debate is a fade.

Till she can mouth her P-A-I-N.