
Echoes of the Silenced


Across the ages, through shadows deep,
Women and children, in silence weep.
Caught in the crossfire of greed\'s cruel game,
Their lives reduced to whispers of pain.

In ancient lands, where empires rose,
And kings declared war, as history knows,
The mothers held their children tight,
Through nights of terror, devoid of light.

Centuries passed, yet the story\'s the same,
Power and wealth, the rich man\'s claim.
For gold and land, for power\'s sweet kiss,
The innocent suffer, unseen in the mist.

Fields once fertile, now scarred by strife,
Homes turned to ruins, dreams robbed of life.
The 1% decree from their gilded halls,
While humanity falters and silently falls.

The cries of the young, the tears of the old,
Stories of sorrow, often left untold.
For in the wake of each shattered peace,
Lies the broken, yearning for release.

From the Roman conquests to modern-day plights,
The pattern repeats, through days and nights.
Women as widows, children as orphans,
Silent victims of the powerful\'s fortunes.

But in the darkness, a flicker remains,
A hope that one day, we\'ll break these chains.
That voices will rise, both loud and clear,
For justice, for peace, for an end to fear.

So let us remember, let us not forget,
The women and children, in history\'s debt.
And strive for a world where love leads the way,
Where the powerful\'s greed no longer holds sway.