
Wild {?] life

We should never molest

The denizens of our forest

Since they have a right

To live in peace too.


The fishes swimming in the lakes

The birds, whose song we hear when we wake

And the animals vertebrate or invertebrate

Do high, in God’s eyes, and schemes, do rate.


The dogs, whose faithfulness is edifying

The tiger and lion, who for power, are forever vying

The timid deer and the sure-footed hare

The cunning hyena and the clumsy bear


And many others who fall in this category

Who never have to experience harry or hurry

make a lasting impression on us

Since they share with their mates, implicit trust.


If we are observant, we will see

That we can learn a lesson from them

Since the unity of the herds, and the loving care

Are now, in humans, indeed very rare.