Mohammad Younus

The Tranquility Of Heart

In the tranquility of serenity,

I hear love\'s song and behold verdant dreams.

Beneath the eternal flame\'s golden glow,

I sit, enraptured by the divine melody,

Its resonance echoing in heart and soul.

Oh, Beloved, teach me the art of love,

To embrace you in both light and shadow, To dance to your celestial music,

Upon a spinning stage of existence,

With grace akin to the ocean\'s waves.

Awaken me from slumber deep,

For the sweet communion with thee, While my heart\'s rhythm chants,

Your name in rhythmic rhyme.

Your love, a fervent flame, Ignites me like the phoenix\'s fire,

Granting rebirth unto my soul, With each dawn\'s gentle kiss.

With every blink, a new beginning, Blessing me with the joy of each morn, As night yields to the embrace of day, And my spirit ascends with the rising sun, Until even death concedes, \"I shall not visit thee.\"